Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hornets: A Revisit

If you haven't already, go ahead and read the revisit on bees and/or wasps.

Today's post is the revisit on hornets. Fun right?

  • The European Hornet (Vespa crabro) is black and dark with yellow, they have deeply indented eyes (think c-shaped) with reddish-orange wings and their petiolate abdomen is brown striped with yellow and some hair
  • They can be as big as 3.5 cm and like the honeybee and bumblebee they have a gentle disposition 
  • This means they won't sting unless they provoked, stepped on or grabbed
  • They will however get defensive when their hives are threatened and they can become aggressive
  • Male European hornets have abdomens that have 7 segments and the females have 6 and the male antenna have 13 segments and the female antenna have 12
  • European hornets will eat insects and they are also attracted to lights at night 
  • Their nests are large paper nests and can be found in hollow trees that have sheltered positions

  • Bald-face Hornet or (Dolichovespula maculata) is also known as the white-faced hornet and the white-tailed hornet
  • Found throughout North America including parts of Canada, the Rocky Mountains, the Western Coast of the United States and most of the Eastern United States
  • They are black with white ivory markings and can be up to 1.9 cm
  • They also have 2 visible legs that hang when they are in flight and they lack pollen baskets
  • Like the European hornets, the Bald-face hornet also eats other insects
  • Bald-faced hornets are known for their large football-shaped nests, which they build in the Spring
  • They are extremely protective of their nests and  can sting repeatedly
Basically, you don't really want hornets hanging around your home especially if you or someone in your family is allergic to their stings, so Cottage Country Pest Control can come in and using IPM methods we can help make your environment safer for you and your family.

To book an appointment or for more information email or call us at 705-534-7863.

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