Thursday, September 13, 2012


Hantavirus is a virus that is found in rodents and is especially prominent in Deer Mice. It is a rare, but extremely serious illness that was first detected in 1993.

Recently, news broke the there was the possibility that up to 10,000 people were exposed to Hantavirus during their stays at Yosemite National Park. To date there have been 8 confirmed cases and 3 deaths.

Since May 1999, Canada has only seen 32 confirmed cases of Hantavirus (20 in Alberta, 5 in Saskatchewan, six in British Columbia and 1 in Manitoba). While there have not been any confirmed human cases of Hantavirus in Ontario, there have been mice that have tested positive for the virus, especially up in the Algonquin Park area.

People can contract Hantavirus through contact with infected mice, their urine, blood, saliva or fecal matter. The virus can also be contracted through inhalation if near a nest or fecal matter.

While there haven't been any human cases to date, it is really important that people are aware of the diseases and illnesses can be contracted through rodents (or any pests in general).

Not only can Hantavirus be caused by mice but there are other illnesses and diseases that can be passed along to humans. To read more about that you can read our previous post about mice.

If you suspect OR know that you have a mouse problem, give Cottage Country Pest Control a call at 705-534-7863 or email us today.

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