Young cockroaches can squeeze through a crevice about as thick as a dime.
For help to solve all of your pest control problems, call Cottage Country Pest Control at (705)534-7863, or email us at ccpestcontrol@gmail.com.
For help to solve all of your pest control problems, call Cottage Country Pest Control at (705)534-7863, or email us at ccpestcontrol@gmail.com.
Bed bugs are becoming increasingly resistant to pesticides - which means that you will need a company, like Cottage Country Pest Control, that uses a multi-faceted approach and keeps up to date on research and developments of new techniques. And that guarantees their work.
Most cockroaches are looking for food, water, and shelter. They will eat almost anything and like damp areas.
The common bed bug is making a comeback after nearly vanishing in the 1940’s and 1950’s with the use of DDT.
Since mice have a higher population number than rats, they are more widespread
Cat fleas are approximately 3mm long, are brown to black in colour, have no wings and are powerful jumpers.
Common species of cockroaches found in Ontario are the German Roach, Pennsylvania Wood Roach, Oriental Roach, Brown-banded Roach and American Roach.
Different people react differently to bed bug bites - and some do not react at all. Which means that even if only one person that sleeps in your bed is getting bites, it may well be bed bugs.
The house mouse has large ears, pointed nose and small eyes. The tail is as long as the head and body combined.
Forty bed bugs can become up to 6,000 in approximately six months as their eggs only require about 10 days to hatch and they can go up to a year without food.