This is the new ad that Tamara and Ross worked up today. Of course, the heron picture, which I took, and Jessa edited to remove the background, is the best part - this business is definitely a family affair.
This is the new ad that Tamara and Ross worked up today. Of course, the heron picture, which I took, and Jessa edited to remove the background, is the best part - this business is definitely a family affair.
Bedbugs freak me out. I have enough trouble sleeping in motels but the thought
of bedbugs would keep me up all night. What's a squeamish traveler to do??
Hmmm...I suppose my next order of business should be to add a link to this blog from the website! Coming right up.
And then I think I might contact my favourite blog designer and set her to work for me again :) I needs me a badge at least - one for this blog and one for the website, I think.